108 research outputs found

    Post-sigh sleep apneas in mice: Systematic review and data-driven definition

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    Sleep apneas can be categorized as post-sigh (prevailing in non-rapid eye movement sleep) or spontaneous (prevailing in rapid eye movement sleep) according to whether or not they are preceded by an augmented breath (sigh). Notably, the occurrence of these apnea subtypes changes differently in hypoxic/hypercapnic environments and in some genetic diseases, highlighting the importance of an objective discrimination. We aim to: (a) systematically review the literature comparing the criteria used in categorizing mouse sleep apneas; and (b) provide data-driven criteria for this categorization, with the final goal of reducing experimental variability in future studies. Twenty-two wild-type mice, instrumented with electroencephalographic/electromyographic electrodes, were placed inside a whole-body plethysmographic chamber to quantify sleep apneas and sighs. Wake\u2013sleep states were scored on 4-s epochs based on electroencephalographic/electromyographic signals. Literature revision showed that highly different criteria were used for post-sigh apnea definition, the intervals for apnea occurrence after sigh ranging from 1 breath up to 20 s. In our data, the apnea occurrence rate during non-rapid eye movement sleep was significantly higher than that calculated before the sigh only in the 1st and 2nd 4-s epochs following a sigh. These data suggest that, in mice, apneas should be categorized as post-sigh only if they start within 8 s from a sigh; the choice of shorter or longer time windows might underestimate or slightly overestimate their occurrence rate, respectively

    Neural control of fasting-induced torpor in mice

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    Torpor is a peculiar mammalian behaviour, characterized by the active reduction of metabolic rate, followed by a drop in body temperature. To enter torpor, the activation of all thermogenic organs that could potentially defend body temperature must be prevented. Most of these organs, such as the brown adipose tissue, are controlled by the key thermoregulatory region of the Raphe Pallidus (RPa). Currently, it is not known which brain areas mediate the entrance into torpor. To identify these areas, the expression of the early gene c-Fos at torpor onset was assessed in different brain regions in mice injected with a retrograde tracer (Cholera Toxin subunit b, CTb) into the RPa region. The results show a network of hypothalamic neurons that are specifically activated at torpor onset and a direct torpor-specific projection from the Dorsomedial Hypothalamus to the RPa that could putatively mediate the suppression of thermogenesis during torpor

    Obstructive sleep apneas naturally occur in mice during REM sleep and are highly prevalent in a mouse model of Down syndrome

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    Study objectives: The use of mouse models in sleep apnea study is limited by the belief that central (CSA) but not obstructive sleep apneas (OSA) occur in rodents. We aimed to develop a protocol to investigate the presence of OSAs in wild-type mice and, then, to apply it to a validated model of Down syndrome (Ts65Dn), a human pathology characterized by a high incidence of OSAs. Methods: In a pilot study, nine C57BL/6J wild-type mice were implanted with electrodes for electroencephalography (EEG), neck electromyography (nEMG), and diaphragmatic activity (DIA), and then placed in a whole-body-plethysmographic (WBP) chamber for 8 h during the rest (light) phase to simultaneously record sleep and breathing activity. CSA and OSA were discriminated on the basis of WBP and DIA signals recorded simultaneously. The same protocol was then applied to 12 Ts65Dn mice and 14 euploid controls. Results: OSAs represented about half of the apneic events recorded during rapid-eye-movement-sleep (REMS) in each experimental group, while the majority of CSAs were found during non-rapid eye movement sleep. Compared with euploid controls, Ts65Dn mice had a similar total occurrence rate of apneic events during sleep, but a significantly higher occurrence rate of OSAs during REMS, and a significantly lower occurrence rate of CSAs during NREMS. Conclusions: Mice physiologically exhibit both CSAs and OSAs. The latter appear almost exclusively during REMS, and are highly prevalent in Ts65Dn. Mice may, thus, represent a useful model to accelerate the understanding of the pathophysiology and genetics of sleep-disordered breathing and to help the development of new therapies

    Incidence of stroke in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in stable sinus rhythm during long-term monitoring.

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    Patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) are at increased risk of stroke, but the incidence and factors associated with cardioembolic events in HCM patients without atrial fibrillation (AF) remain unresolved. We determined the incidence of stroke in patients in sinus rhythm (SR) monitored with a cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED). All consecutive patients diagnosed with HCM and referred to CIED implantation with >16 years at diagnosis and ≥ 1 year follow-up post CIED implantation were retrospectively reviewed. Severe LA dilatation was defined as ≥48 mm. Patients were stratified by rhythm as: Pre-existing AF (AF present prior to CIED); De novo AF (AF present after CIED implantation); SR: no episodes of AF. Of 1651 patients, 185 (11.2%) implanted with a CIED were included (57% men, age: 54 ± 17 years). Baseline, pre-existing AF was present in 73 (39%) patients. Ischemic stroke was reported in 19 (10.3%, 1.78%/year) patients and was similar across the three groups (2.3%/year vs 1.1%/year vs 0.6%/year in patients in SR vs pre-existing AF vs de novo AF, respectively, p = 0.235). In SR patients, a LAD≥48 mm posed the greatest risk of stroke (Hazard Ratio: 10.03,95% Confidence-Interval 2.79-16.01). At Cox multivariable analysis, after adjustment for oral anticoagulation, LA was independently associated with stroke while rhythm was not. in HCM patients with CIED long-term monitoring and no prior history of AF, stroke rates were similar in those with de novo AF or stable SR. Severe LA dilatation was a powerful risk factor, irrespective of AF

    Effects of an intensive inpatient rehabilitation program in elderly patients with obesity

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the short-term effectiveness of an intensive inpatient multidimensional rehabilitation program (MRP), including diet, exercise, and behavioral therapy, in elderly patients with severe obesity. Methods: Forty-four elderly patients (old; age 69.3 \ub1 3.5 years, BMI 41.9 \ub1 14.9) were analyzed against 215 younger patients (young; age 48.2 \ub1 18.5 years, BMI 43.9 \ub1 9.4), who were used as controls. All patients underwent MRP, based on group therapy guided by a multidisciplinary team (physicians, dietitians, exercise trainers, psychologists). We evaluated changes in anthropometry, cardiovascular risk factors, physical fitness, quality of life, and eating behavior. Results: After 3 weeks of MRP, we observed a reduction in body weight (old -3.8%, young -4.3%), BMI (old -3.9%, young -4.4%), waist circumference (old -3.4%, young -4.1%), total cholesterol (old -14.0%, young -15.0%), and fasting glucose (old -8.3%, young -8.1%), as well as improved performance in the Six-Minute-Walk Test (old +28.7%, young +15.3%), chair-stand test (old +24.8%, young +26.9%), and arm-curl test (old +15.2%, young +27.3%). Significant improvement was registered in all other analyzed domains. Conclusion: Our 3-week MRP provided significant clinical and functional improvement, which was similar between elderly and younger patients with severe obesity. In the long-term, this may be translated into better quality of life, through better management of obesity-associated morbidities and reduced frailty

    Age-related cognitive and motor decline in a mouse model of CDKL5 deficiency disorder is associated with increased neuronal senescence and death

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    open20noThis work was supported by grants to E.C. and M.G. from Telethon (GGP19045) and from the Italian parent Association “CDKL5 insieme verso la cura”, and to M.G. from the Association “l’Albero di Greta”, from the International Foundation for CDKL5 Research (IFCR 2019), from the CDKL5 Program of Excellence - LouLou Fundation (CDKL5-17-106-01) and from the Association Française du Syndrome de Rett (ASFR 2017).CDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD) is a severe neurodevelopmental disease caused by mutations in the X-linked CDKL5 gene. Children affected by CDD display a clinical phenotype characterized by early-onset epilepsy, intellectual disability, motor impairment, and autistic-like features. Although the clinical aspects associated with CDKL5 mutations are well described in children, adults with CDD are still under-characterized. Similarly, most animal research has been carried out on young adult Cdkl5 knockout (KO) mice only. Since age represents a risk factor for the worsening of symptoms in many neurodevelopmental disorders, understanding age differences in the development of behavioral deficits is crucial in order to optimize the impact of therapeutic interventions. Here, we compared young adult Cdkl5 KO mice with middle-aged Cdkl5 KO mice, at a behavioral, neuroanatomical, and molecular level. We found an age-dependent decline in motor, cognitive, and social behaviors in Cdkl5 KO mice, as well as in breathing and sleep patterns. The behavioral decline in older Cdkl5 KO mice was not associated with a worsening of neuroanatomical alterations, such as decreased dendritic arborization or spine density, but was paralleled by decreased neuronal survival in different brain regions such as the hippocampus, cortex, and basal ganglia. Interestingly, we found increased β-galactosidase activity and DNA repair protein levels, γH2AX and XRCC5, in the brains of older Cdkl5 KO mice, which suggests that an absence of Cdkl5 accelerates neuronal senescence/death by triggering irreparable DNA damage. In summary, this work provides evidence that CDKL5 may play a fundamental role in neuronal survival during brain aging and suggests a possible worsening with age of the clinical picture in CDD patients.openGennaccaro L.; Fuchs C.; Loi M.; Pizzo R.; Alvente S.; Berteotti C.; Lupori L.; Sagona G.; Galvani G.; Gurgone A.; Raspanti A.; Medici G.; Tassinari M.; Trazzi S.; Ren E.; Rimondini R.; Pizzorusso T.; Zoccoli G.; Giustetto M.; Ciani E.Gennaccaro L.; Fuchs C.; Loi M.; Pizzo R.; Alvente S.; Berteotti C.; Lupori L.; Sagona G.; Galvani G.; Gurgone A.; Raspanti A.; Medici G.; Tassinari M.; Trazzi S.; Ren E.; Rimondini R.; Pizzorusso T.; Zoccoli G.; Giustetto M.; Ciani E